Red Bull Rampage


Red Bull's annual freeride mountain biking event "Red Bull Rampage" features the most talented and gutsy mountain bikers in the world. For 2019, this extreme sports event sought to continue on with the success of the previous year by engaging viewers at key moments, in a brand new way: a clickable real-time poll on the video feed.


A custom clickable poll was built in Singular, by service providers Reality Check Solutions, and delivered on top of the live video feed by rendering "On Device" to each individual viewer. Taking full advantage of Singular's Intelligent Overlays, the production went beyond a passive viewing experience with a poll that allowed viewers to vote for their favorite riders throughout the event and at strategic moments in the production. With a choice to opt in or close out, viewers had full control of their participation. The poll results updated in real time, showing the latest results to each individual viewer.

On the production side, Red Bull used a custom control application to manage the polling overlays. This web app also updated the polling results in real time to the Red Bull team, allowing the commentators and crew to see results and data. This ultimately allowed the production to prepare for the closing ceremony and award the winner of the "People's Choice Awards".


The over video interactive user poll was used to award the winner - Symon Godziek - with a special "People's Choice" trophy at the end of the event, sponsored by the Utah Sports Commision. Singular's Intelligent Overlay technology empowered the Red Bull production team with the tools to engage their community in an exciting new way, completely on their terms.

The competition, which lasted for nearly 5 hours, took place in Virgin, Utah in one of the most challenging locations in the world. Rampage is considered to be among the world's top freeride mountain bike events.

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